Sculptural Facial Lift
Please watch the video for more information
The Sculptural Facial Lift is a technique developed and taught exclusively by world renown specialist Yakov Gershkovich. The technique involves manipulating the muscles, tendons, nerves, fascia, and bones of the face in order to lift and rejuvenate the face, and release tension, stored emotions, and stress buried deep in the facial tissue. This tension can come from many sources including past trauma and emotional stress, and sometimes, the tension is subconscious. The technique is performed by manipulating the facial muscles, including inside the mouth, to create a shift in the face and reach an extremely deep level of relaxation. In fact, most clients fall asleep during the technique!
This is unlike other traditional facial massages.
This technique is extremely helpful for those with grinding or clenching tendencies, TMJ issues, eye strain, grief, or depression. If you wear a night mouth guard, the Sculptural Facial Lift will help!
It is also very effective for those who want a physical face lift without the use of injections, fillers or Botox.
Take a look at the before and after photos. These photos are taken after just one service.
You will most certainly see and feel a dramatic difference after your first session.
The manipulation also helps the brain as the connective tissue in the face plays an important role in the sensory feedback system of the brain. All systems of the body are connected and the trigger points in the face are vital to emotional, mental, and physical well being. In short, manipulation of key areas in the face can make your entire body feel better!
​The Sculptural Facial Lift stimulates the vagus nerve, which is a large verve originating from the brain and intimately intersecting all the body's systems. It's the nerve that helps to regulate our anxiety and the "fight or flight" response. Stimulation of this nerve regulates all the body's systems and initiates a feeling of calm you may not have ever experienced before.
Once again, this is not a massage of the skin to stimulate circulation as in traditional facial massages. This is a manipulation of all the underlying systems of the face as well as a buccal massage (inside the mouth).
I perform the Sculptural Facial Lift at my studio in Decatur Georgia and at Kindred Studio in Atlanta Georgia
I invite you to experience what total bliss feels like.
Please contact me with any questions you might have. I would love to help you!

Before After
Brows are lifted
Mouth is relaxed
Enhanced facial shape
A peaceful look on the face is very common

Before After
Brows lifted
Mouth is turned up
Lips enhanced
Enhanced facial shape
That peaceful look that comes from inside.

Brows lifted
Face shape lift
Softened and upturned mouth
Peaceful expression